Malus Howgate Wonder is a very large, late-season, heavy cropping, culinary apple with a very mild flavour. It is partially self-fertile, in pollination group 3, and vigorous. Fruit is yellow-green flushed with red, and the skin has a greasy finish.
All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets
H6 - Hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15)
Full sun
East-facing, South-facing, West-facing
Well-drained, Moist but well-drainedSoil
Clay, Sand, LoampH
Acid, Alkaline, NeutralSize
Ultimate height
4 - 8 metres
Ultimate spread
4 - 8 metres
Time to Ultimate size
About 10 - 20 Years
How to grow
Prefers a deep, fertile, moist but well-drained, neutral soil in a sheltered, sunny position. Will not thrive on very acid soils, shallow chalk soils or with shade for more than half the day. Thin fruit in late spring or early summer to improve size and quality. Tree size will vary with rootstock and training method. See apple cultivation
Propagate by grafting in midwinter or chip budding in late summer on clonal rootstock for fruit. The rootstock will largely determine the vigour of the tree
Suggested planting locations and garden types
City & Courtyard Gardens Cottage & Informal Garden Patio & Container Plants
How to care
Prune according to chosen training method, often twice a year
May be affected by aphids, woolly aphid, rosy apple aphid, fruit tree red spider mite, codling moth and other caterpillarsDiseases
Good resistance to common apple diseases: apple canker, apple scab, powdery mildews and bitter pit. May be susceptible to brown rot, honey fungus and blossom wilt
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