Click and Collect Garden essentials.
Our current fresh 9cm stock -
9cm Herbaceous plants - all SCOTTISH GROWN
Alpine poppy orange
Alpine poppy rose
Arabis Aubris White
Aubreita Blue
Aubrieta Red
Aurbieta Dr Mules Variegata
Cerastium Tomentosum
Gypsophila repens 'Rosea'
Phlox 'Amazing Grace'
Primula auricula mixed
Saponaria ocymoides
Saxafraga Pixie Rose
Saxafraga Pixie White
Vinca minor alba
Vinca minor blue
1no for £3.00
5no for £14.00
10no for £27.00
Make your selection, they can be a mixture or a number of the same plant.
Herbaceous mix 9cm pots